Coleman, a renowned brand with a rich heritage, has been synonymous with outdoor adventures for decades. Established with a vision to provide quality outdoor gear, Coleman has become a trusted companion for camping enthusiasts, hikers, and explorers worldwide. With a commitment to innovation, durability, and comfort, Coleman has continuously pushed the boundaries of outdoor equipment. From reliable tents and sleeping bags to efficient stoves and lanterns, Coleman’s products have stood the test of time.
Coleman Fireplace Disk 60
- Body size: approx. Φ 60 x x 23 (H) cm
- Storage size: Approx. Φ 60 x x 10 (H) cm
- An all – in – one model specially designed to allow beginners to easily create open – air fires;
- Made of stainless steel;
- Excellent ventilation; 3 seconds setup, easy disassembly.
- comes with a gridiron you can easily put charcoal under for barbecues.
- Maximum Load Weight: Approx. 66.1 lbs (30 kg) (supports a size 3 dutch oven); Approx. 3.9 – inch (10 cm) thickness for compact storage;
- Storage case included
- Order: It takes 7-10 working days
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